
Apartment Hotel

Casa Bianca - Hometel

Single occupancy one bedroom with pool view

Entire apartment, Private kitchen, Bathroom, Air conditioning, Flat-screen TV & Free WiFi

Room Rate:


Double Occupancy one-bedroom with City view (Disability Enabled)

Entire apartment, Private kitchen, Bathroom, Disability access, Air conditioning, Flat-screen TV & Free WiFi

Room Rate:


Double Occupancy one-bedroom with City view

Entire apartment, Private kitchen, Bathroom, Air conditioning, Flat-screen TV & Free WiFi

Room Rate:


Family Suite, 3 Bedrooms + A Large Kitchen/Dining

En suite master bedroom, 2 bedrooms with a common bathroom, Family area, Air conditioning, Flat-screen TV & Free WiFi

Room Rate:


Penthouse with Pool View

A bedroom, Living area, Private kitchenette, Bathroom, Air conditioning, Flat-screen B & O TV, & Free WiFi

Room Rate:


Our Gym

Fitness Center

Everyone deserves to feel the benefits of an active lifestyle. Whatever your aspirations or level, be the best you can be with Wellfit. We at Casa Bianca provide you with one of the best Gym Fitness Centers